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Data sources

1 in 5 autistic women with ADHD have attempted suicide:


Up to 66% of autistic adults have considered suicide 


Autistic adults with no learning disability are up to 9 times more likely to die by suicide than the general population: 


Autistic girls and women who self-harm are twice as likely to die by suicide than autistic boys and men who self-harm:


Average age of death of autistic people with no learning disability is 58:


Suicide is the second most common cause of death for autistic adults:


The prevalence of autism (diagnosed and undiagnosed) in those who died by suicide:


Autistic children are 28 times more likely than other children to have suicidal thoughts: 

At least 20% of anorexic people have autistic traits:


Girls diagnosed 6 years later than boys:

  • Swansea University research, covered in BBC News (2022)


One study of 255 autistic women found that 90% of them had been sexually assaulted in some way. 56% of these were 15 years old or younger when it first happened. The average rate for all women is 33%. 


People shown to be safer from abuse after being identified as autistic and receiving support (small informal study):

  • From book, Safeguarding Autistic Girls - Strategies for Professionals (2022) by Carly Jones MBE: "In 2015 I undertook an informal survey... This research showed that 91 per cent of autistic adults had experienced some form of abuse before their autism diagnosis. The same informal survey research, however, also showed that after diagnosis, support and building self-awareness, up to 73 per cent of autistic adults questioned have been safer, either as they had not experienced abuse or had the self-awareness to spot abuse, prevent it or report it in a timely fashion."


Autistic women are reported to be more socially motivated than autistic men:


Autistic people are more likely to report behaviours that may indicate thwarted belonging, such as loneliness

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